
The Cast of Element 7!

All of Nitrogen's bullies--and his few friends, too...


Clara Saltburger

Element: Chlorine

Number: 17

Mass: 35.435 amu

Year: 11

How she bullies N: She just ignores him and mumbles answers when he asks her stuff

Clara Saltburger is a German JEwish person. her family develoepd weapons during World War One but unforutnately she lost a lot them in the 2nd war so she is very traumatized. Now she is very antisocialand depressed. Clara just swims and lsitens to emo music and tries not to think abouth er problems.

DRAWING TIPS - Towel is white with blue stripes - Swimsuit is like light-ish green - Hair is light blonde, eyes are light green, skin is pale - NECKLACE MANDATORY - Pose is depressed although Clara is quite muscular

Kaylie Steel

Element: Potassium

Number: 19

Mass: 39.098 amu

Year: 16

How she bullies N: Spears him with her pitchfork, slaps him with her leather accessoreis and belt, punches him!

Kaylie Steel is a hot rural biker/farmer woman from the American South. She has a thick souther anccetn and also is kind of a bad girl who is a little rough in...certain contexts. she has a pithc fork and rifle which she uses to threaten people! She has a love-ahte relationships with her neighbor and part-time girlfriend, Carla Davis (Calcium). She does not go to class often and instead likes to go to bars and flex for the women there!

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is naturally dark brown, but she has dyed it dark purple. Her skin is light brown. Her eyes are medium brown. - Her outfit is black leather with silver studs and a silver necklace and buckle. Her shirt is light lilac. her buckle and the accents on ehr vest are lilac. -She may try to show off with her pitchfork, her motorcycle, her big ol' pickup truck, her guns, or just the guns in her arms! - Kaylie tends to look flirtatious and daring, especailyl towards other women! You can draw her admiring the ladies!

Carla Davis

Element: Calcium

Number: 20

Mass: 40.078 amu

Year: 16

How she bullies N: Throws fossils at him, strangles him with her lasso, chokes him, steps on him with ehr cowboy boots!

Carla Davis is a bombastic, no-nonsense cowgirl who's just as much about picking up women as she is about picking up the reins! While Carla likes to take charge of any situation and is quitea good and responsible leader, she does really just get the work done so she can go off to the bar and flirt with ladies. Unfortunately, she finds some competition in Kaylie Steel (Potassium)...but perhaps they have more in common than they realize!

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is naturally black, but she has dyed it dark blue. Her skin is medium brown. Her eyes are dark brown. - Her jacket and hat are cream white. Her hat band and the sides of her corset are brick red. The breasts and center piece of her corset are a darker cream. The tie, belt buckle, and hat band decorations are cream-colored shells. The rims of the belt buckle and tie decoration are silver. The tie, belt, and holster are medium ruddy brown. The pommel of the pistol is dark brown. - Carla often enjoys flexing or otherwise shwoing off her strength and formidability! You may draw her in such a pose, and/or beating up people at the bar! - Carla hsoulld wear a determined look, or if the situation is serious, a very gritty expression.

Scandace Scarborougehrig

Element: Scandium

Number: 21

Mass: 44.956 amu

Year: N/A, faculty

How she bullies N: Throws baseballs at him, whacks him with her bat, gets him reported to Principal Cavhyundish all the time!

Scandace Scarborougehrig may be the history teacher in name, but the only thing she'll do is MAKE baseball! Yes, she is jsut abuot the best baseball player at Periodic Preparatory, and maybe in all the world, if not for the fact that her shoulder was mysteriously injured after a trip to Principal Cavhyundish's office. While shei s not much older than her students, Scandace DEFINITELY has a lot of authority because these days, people only respect athleticism and clout, not actual experience or degrees or anything.

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is light blonde. Her skin is light but tanned. Her eyes are light blue. - Scandace's shirt and cap are cream white with red accents (piping, buttons, lettering, stitching). The shirt says "D-BLOX." Her baseball has the same color scheme. Her skirt is medium pink. Her baseball bat is rose gold. - Principal Cavhyundish (Hydrogen) and Scandace are.....uncomfortably close, let's just say. If youare not drawing Scandface beating someone up, you can draw them togerther! - Scandace is often looking mischievous and sly. Draw her that way!

Titia Fagin Vregor

Element: Titanium

Number: 22

Mass: 47.867 amu

Year: 14

How she bullies N: Scooter ankles him with her scooter, jumps on him from her scooter or bike, slaps him, bullies him with th eother transition metals!

Titia Fagin Vregor is a gregarious extreme sportswoman! Whether she's scootering, BMXing, or skiing, she's always pulling the most daring stunts! Her awesome moves earn the respect of the other transition metals, but this behvior is not without its cnosequences. Titia has had many concussions and has even ahd to get limbs amputate.d So sheh as both prostheses (specifically her left leg) and problems with her brain. But to be fair, she had brain problems before this started, too.

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is naturally dark brown, but she has dyed it white. Her skin is medium brown. Her eyes are hazel. She is the talelst person at Periodic Preparatory, at around 200 cm or 6'6" tall! - Titia's leather jacket is black and her pants are vivid purple. Her gloves, shin guards, and shoes are also black, with purple accents where necessary. The stripe on her pants and the buttons are silver. Her scooter is also silver, which black heels and alternating black and vivid purple grip tape. - Titia should be drawn in action! Her main sports are bike motorcross, scootering, and downhill skiing, but she also enjoys snowboarding, jet skiing, windsurfing, and skateboarding. Y - Since Titia is very social, you can also draw spectators, and/or nitrogen getting beaten up with some of her sports equipment!

Freya Vaquelin

Element: Vanadium

Number: 23

Mass: 50.942 amu

Year: 15

How she bullies N: Threatens to stab him with her sword, excludes him from her LARP group, gets other people to attack him wti hweapons, steps on him, hits him!

Freya Vaquelin is Periodic Preparatory's queen bee, and for good reason: she's hot, she's smart, she's good with words, and she's good with swords! Even though the school has a strict no weapons on campus policy, she g ets to violate it because she's just that cool. She leads the school's premier LARP group, and you ahve to be PERSONALLY vetted by Freya to be let in. What that means...well, that's for the rumors to deal with ;) Also, she REALLY likes Columbia and tries to control her. Naturally, she hates Collie, who's the olny person standing in the way of that.

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is medium blonede. Her skin is pale. Her eyes are medium blue. - Freya's jewelry is all gold, including her brooches and belt buckles and the hilt of her sword. Her keys and the sword blade are silver. Her dress is yellow and her apron is blue with purple accents. Her belt and sheath are ruddy brown. - Although she is into LARPing, Freya prefers to be portrayed in a badass and intimidating pose, such as the one in the picture! You are wlecome to design alternative (but Norse-inspired) outfits for her, since she has lots of clothes. - Freya's expression should be cold and arrogant! Scoffing at people is one of her favorite pastimes.

Christina Josephina Chromwell

Element: Chromium

Number: 24

Mass: 51.906 amu

Year: 15

How she bullies N: Kicks hi m with her steel toed boots, runs him over with her motorcycle, preaches loudly and reads obnoxiously from the Bible in his ears through a megaphone!

Christina Josephina Chromwell is a Jewish biker and wannabe tough girl who DESPERATAELY wnats ot be liked by Wulfhilda, because she has a massive crush on her. Although Christina realy tries to be independent and "stick it to the man," she actaully has a huge thing for authority figures, sometimes to an unhealthy extent, and wants to be their sidekicks...or more. While she's not exactly a loner at Periodic Prepraratory, Christina doesn't exactly fit in anywhere and just kind of floats between different groups, depending on who hates her the least on that particular day.

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is black. Her skin is light brown. Her eyes are dark brown. - Christina wears a black leather jacket and black pants, but the piping on her jacket and the knee gussets on her pants are rainbow colored. Her helmet is black with silver accents and a rainbow gradient visor. She has cross patches on her right shoulder and left breast, and two cross pins on her lapels, plus a fish patch on her left shoulder. All of the pins are silver, like the studs and buckles. The cross patches are red on a dark blue field, but the patch on her shoulder, which reads "GOD WARRIOR" is gold on a red field. Her shirt is black. - You can draw Christina on her motorcyle or just looking cool in a pose, maybe also beating up nitrogen! - Her expression shuold be determined, but with hints of doubt and insecurity behind them.

Manga Knees

Element: Manganese

Number: 25

Mass: 54.948 amu

Year: 16

How she bullies N: Makes lewd comments in "Japanese" that she picked up from anime at him, waves her body pillow in his face, Naruto runs into him and knocks him over!

Manga Knees (yes that is her real name) is an anime and manga-obsessed sutdent at Peridoc iPReparatory who constantly makes inappropriate comments and referneces to ANime and manga. Although she is Korean, she thinsk that she cannot be a "Weeaboo; because she is still ASain. She is a bit obsessed with Japan, much to the dismay of like everyone around her. She has an anime bodyp illow based on Scandace Scarborougehrig that she carries to class. And ytes her knee tattoos were supposed ti say "I <3 Manga" but the artis t messed up and instead wrote " I <3 Anime."

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is black. Her skin is light. Her eyes are medium brown. - Manga's bikini is deep purple. HEr tattoos are all in black ink except for the hearts which are red, and the chrysanthemum which is gold. Her body pillow is white, and Scandace's bikini is pink. The resto f the Scandace graphic is based on Scandace's description. - Manga Knees rarely wears anytjhing except a bikini at school, but if you design an alternate outfit for her, pelase make the color scheme black andp urple! - Manga Knees tends to ahve a crazed and pervy look on her face. This is inspite of the fact that her body language is rather closed off! You can even draw her staring creepily at other peopel from a distance@!

Eris Ferris

Element: Iron

Number: 26

Mass: 55.845 amu

Year: 17

How she bullies N: Rallies the other metals against him to isooate him socially and make him feel bad abot being a nonmetal, punches him, kicks him, slams him into the walls and lockers, whacks him withtools such as hammers and saws!

Eris Ferris is the salt-of-the-earth, no-nonsense leader of the iron triad, and respectebd y many other elements (but particularly metals). She is known forh er hatred of nonmetals, but, unlike Wulfhilda, she is rather subtle about it and is more occupied with Advancing metallic interests than cutting down the nonmetals. She is a carpenter worker in her day job, and evne though she makes decent pay, she lives a rahter cushioned lifestyle because the other metals love her so much that thye do....favors for her!

DRAWING TIPS (For art trades and stuff) - Her hair is dark ruddy brown. Her skin is light but tanned. Her eyes are medium, warm brown. - Eris's belt it, watch band, and hammer handle are warm brown. Her shirt is rusty red. Her overalls are Prussian blue. Her headscarf is a lighter shade similar to the overalls. Her rivets and watch face and hammer are, obviously, dark gray. - ERis's default pose is nonchalant and effortless, but also strong and sturdy. She has a somewhat weary but determined look, so draw her that way! - Eris Ferris is quite social, dspite the fact that she is pretty quiet. She is just a comforting presence. So you can draw her with lots of friends, particularly the other iron triad memberso r just other metals!

Cordelia Brandt

Element: Cobalt

Number: 27

Mass: 58.933 amu

Year: 17

How she bullies N: Burns him with her cigarettes, throws empty beer and whiskey bottles at him, trips him, kicks him, punches him!

Cordelia Brandt is the iron triad's sad an d apathetic member, a foil to the more study Eris and the optimistic Nicole. She has many addicitve tendencies, ranging from smoking, to drinking alcohol, to gambling, to bullying Nikolai (well to be fair, everytone at PEriodic Preparator y has THAT addiction). In spite of this, she manages otb e osmehwat high functioning and has a good sense of humor, entertianing the other transitoin metals and especiall y her good friends in teh iron triad. If only she found herself as amusing as everyone else found her.

DRAWING TIPS (For art trades and stuff) - Her hair is black. Her skin is unhealthy and pale. Her eyes are cobalt blue. - Her shirt is cobalt blue. Her pants are dark brown. The rivets are dull bronze. Her jacket is dark gray with red accents (zippers and cuffs). - Cordelia should look unamused and a little bit out of it! You can draw her with the rest of htei ron triad, but unlike Eris, she is not that social outside of her immediate friend group. She is always smoking adn/or drinking, so dont' forget the cigarette and/or bottle! - Her pose should look slackened and lazy. She is a bit thin because she hardly eats anything and only smokes, so don't make her active or muscular!

Nicole Blox

Element: Nickel

Number: 28

Mass: 58.693 amu

Year: 17

How she bullies N: Cackles annoyingly in his face, knocks stuff out of his hands, steps on him with her cowboy boots, shovesh im into lockers, holds him while the other iron traid memebrs kick him!

Nicole Blox is a terminally online e-girl hoe who loves to do Pose 28 from the game Roblox. She is very bvapid and kind of stupid, but the other memebrs of the iron triad find her endearing, so theyk eep her around. Well, that, and .... other reasons. Nicole is really devillish and is sometimes not even aware of just how annoying she is , but that ironically just plays to the humor of her existenc.e Sometimes Nicole wishes she had deeper relationships, but tha would require effort, and thus she does not try to obtain them.

DRAWING TIPS (For art trades and stuff) - Her hair is light brown, almost blonde in some places. HEr skin is light but tanned. Her eyes are medium green. - Her dress is cream colored. Her belt and boots are sort of yellowish leather. Her earrings, belt buckle, and necklace are all silver in color because they are nickel plated. - Nicole BLox strieks many poses, but the most favorite of hers is Pose 28, shown here! you may draw her in such a pose, but any ridiculous and bombastic look works for Nicole. - Her expression should be maniacal and insane looking! Therei sn't a single chill boen in this woman's body.

Copelyn Wyer

Element: Copper

Number: 29

Mass: 63.546 amu

Year: 17

How she bullies N: Electrocutes him in "Self-defense," ignores him whe neh needs help, otherwises gives him false information to make him think she's helping him when in reality she's just trying to escape the situation!

Copelyn Wyer is a rather bashful and sweet woman, well-dressed and well-spoken. you wouldn't thin koff handedly that osmoene like her would have it in her to be a bully, let alone a vicious one. Hwoever hsei just that to nitrogen, and she is proud of it. While Copelyn tries to keep the peace between herself and others, and between metals and nonmetals, she thinks that the best way to do so is to create a common enemy in Nikolai. And so far, it has workeD! Copleyn is well respected and beloved by almost everyoner at PEriodic Preparatory because she leads by example, shocking NIkolai with her copper wires and making hi mwrithe in pain every day!

DRAWING TIPS (For art trades and stuff) - Her hair is light red, or copper. Her skin is very pale and ruddy. Her eyes are green like copper verdigris. - Her blazer is copper colored. Her shirt is light green. Her pants are white. The leather of her belt is dark brown. Her bracelets and necklace and belt buckel are all copper. - Copelyn is somewhat shy and quiet, so y ou can draw her being a bit nervous or bashful, epsecially if in a crowd! However she should still look dainty and dignified since hse is just a little socially awkward, and otherwise knows that she's well loved. - Copelyn has many friends, so you cna draw her with almost everyone--metal and nonmetal alike!

Zinat Singer

Element: Zinc

Number: 30

Mass: 65.38 amu

Year: 16

How she bullies N: Runs laps around him, shows off her superior strength with weighlifting, eats a LOT of steak (more than Nikolai can), kicks him, punches him!

Zinat Singer is a rather typical athletic chick--working out 24/7, showing off her muscles and endurance to woo the ladies, and sepcially to get Nikolai upset and jealous of her! Althoug Zinat is rather popular amongst all kinds of women at Periodic Preparatory, she is pretty good hearted and kind, efven if she can be a show-off at times. Thati s, good hearted to everyone excdept Nikolai, whose face she kicks dust in! Thankfully, Knowign the culture at Periodict Preparatory, it is easily understood that these acts of aggression against Nikolai actually score Zinat social points, rather than detracting them. Zinat wishes, however, that she could settle down and find the right woman, instead of going from one to the enxt every night.

DRAWING TIPS (For art trades and stuff) - Her hair is black, her skin is medium brown and tanned, her eyes are dark hazel green. - Her sports outfit is a black field with white stripes. IN her left pants pocket is a phone, which you may draw her using to take selfies ando ther pictures! - Zinat lieks to flex and show off in athletic poses, so it is good if you portray her in clothes and position that emphasize her muscles and strength! - She has a confident, flirtatious look most of the time, which she uses to attrtact and impress the otehr women! Draw her with one!

Ricky Bunsen

Element: Rubidium

Number: 37

Mass: 85.468 amu

Year: 15

How she bullies N: She shoots fireworks at him (often with the help of Sedna) and steps on him with her high heels!)

Ricky Bunsen is certified not okay. We do not exacltyk now what her diagnosis is, but she is Not. Okay. She is a collector of luxury watches, earrings, heels, and trench coats, but doesn't tend to wear a lot more than that. She will often run around screaming and shooting fireworks at people, or just tackling them. Her sentences are incomprehensible to everyone except sedna Crawford. Perhaps the riddles of Ricky Bunsen will one day be unlocked, but probably not.

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is dark ruddy brown, her eyes are warm medium brown, her skin is medium brown. She has a mole that's the same color as her lips on her left cheek. - Her coat is dark red with black glossy accents. The buttons are also black and glossy ,as are her watch band and high heels. Undderneath ehr trench coat, she only wears a hot pink bikini. - Often, Ricky is pushing other people over and tackling (or failing to tackle) them. You are permitted to draw her beating people up! - Ricky loves to strike bombastic, action-oriented poses, so draw her in one!

Sedna Crawford

Element: Strontium

Number: 38

Mass: 87.62 amu

Year: 15

How she bullies N: Strangles N and shoots burning flares and fireworks in his face!

Sedna Crawford is very proud to be Scottish. Alba gu bràth!!! Also she plays the bagpipes (but very badly) and lieks being a little delinquent. She will shoot fireworks in your face if she doesn't like you, but if you're her friend, she would run the whole world over with a pickup truck for you.

DRAWING TIPS - Her tartan base is red, with blue (thick horizontal and thin vertical) and gold (horizontal thin) overlays - She is BUFF. Do NOT forget her muscles. - Her hair is kind of reddish auburn. - Her skin is pale and her eyes are medium blue. - Her belt buckle is the Scottish flag.

Columbia Ekeberg

Element: Niobium

Number: 41

Mass: 92.906 amu

Year: 12

How she bullies N: Gets her clique and her sister to beat him up and she beats him up, too!

Columbia Ekeberg is a very feminine woman who loves shopping, gossiping, and doing makeup with her friends, the other period 5 refractory metals! But she also enjoys hanging out with her big sister, Collie, and they do stuff in the machien shop together. Columbia appreciates that she has so many people she can trust, but sometimes, she can eb a little too trusting, and her naievete could be her downfall...

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is dark brown, her skin is pale but tanned, her eyes are medium brown. - Her shirt is light muted orange, her skirt is intense medium blue, and her jewelry and the snap on her skirt are gold. - Columbia is very flirtatious and coy, and will usually be striking an "oh you!" type of pose! - If she isn't doing makeup or shopping, she's in the machine shop making all kinds of gadgets with her sister! Feel free to draw her there!

Sterling Perón

Element: Silver

Number: 47

Mass: 107.868 amu

Year: 17

How she bullies N: She smashes him over the head with her mirror and verbally assaults him! she might kick and slap him too.

Sterling Perón is very arrogant and impatient. She is Argentine, and even though she loves all kinds of barbecued meats, she does not ahve the patience to wait for it to cook so she has tapeworms from raw beef. Sterling won't take tapeworm medicine because she thinks it'll "make her ugly." Also, she is elitist and thinks that precious metals are superior to other elements, to compensate for the fact that shes far from the most valuable among them.

DRAWING TIPS - Her skin is medium olive, her eyes are brown, and her hair is black. - Obviously, the diadem, collar, cuffs, hairpiece, and belt are silver, and they are inlaid with white pearls. The mirror frame is silver. - Her dress is white and quite flowy. - You have permission to draw Sterling shoving other people and hitting them!

Halsey Reichenstein

Element: Tellurium

Number: 52

Mass: 127.60 amu

Year: 16

How she bullies N: She screams songs loudly into his ears, both deafening him and making him jealous that he'll never be as good of a singer!

Halsey Reichenstein might just about be the best singer that Periodic Preparatory has ever seen. It's in the school's blood, and this is tradition, but when Halsey walked in, everyone was like "goddamn right, we should be scared of her!" Please, God, or whoever you are, bless this school with a better choir and performing arts program, because Halsey is threatening to drop out otherwise!

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is dark brown, her eyes are medium brown, her skin is dark with warm undertones. - Her dress is mustard yellow and the triangle/stripe accents and cuffs are gold, orange, and red in that order. Her necklace and earrings are gold. - Halsey loves singing nad is rarely seen withuot a microphone, so feel free to draw her with one! - Her expression and pose should be open and enthusiastic!

Celia Mosquehoff

Element: Caesium

Number: 55

Mass: 132.905 amu

Year: 17

How she bullies N: She beats him up and threatens him with her super accurate atomic glock!

Celia Mosquehoff was a Christian named Celia Kirchhoff, but after she converted to Islam, she changed it to Mosquehoff to reflect her new religion (she also now has the Arabic name Saleema as backup). She has a super accurate atomic glock that she can shoot anything with. Also she has a very bad temper and will probably use her pistol against you if you annoy her, so look out!

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is golden blonde, her skin is tanned, her eyes are sky blue. - The necklace is MANDATORY. IT 's a crescent with a star inside it. Gold. - Her watch, gun, and shorts button are gold. - Her shorts are pale gold like caesium metal, her crop top is sky blue. - Her bracelet and watchband are light brown. - She is almost always glaring or otherwise looking upset.

Benedicta Trump

Element: Barium

Number: 56

Mass: 137.327 amu

Year: 16

How she bullies N: Chokes N, steps on him with her cowboy boots, and lassos him and ties him up!

Benedicta Trump is a serious, rather depressed cowgirl. She is very heavyb ut also very strong, and can take most other chicks in a fight. Nitrogen is terrified of her, and the other alkaline earth metals respect her. She won't admit it, and she SAYS outwardly that she wants to deport her, but on the inside, she has a crush on Celia Mosquehoff.

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is dark blonde, her skin is pale, her eyes are green. - Her vest is medium brown leather with green accents and brassb uttons. Her skirt and hat are light brown leather with the same green accents and embroidery. Her shirt is cream colored. Her belt buckle and tie are brass. - Benedicta tends to look tired, sad, and languid, except when she's beating up nitrogen. - You can draw her lassoing, tackling, choking, stepping on, or punching nitrogen! That's about the only time she actually looks energetic and happy.

Lucienne Moldova

Element: Lanthanum

Number: 57

Mass: 138.905 amu

Year: N/A, faculty

How she bullies N: She videotapes him doing embarrassing things or getting beaten up and broadcasts it to social media !

Lucienne Moldova is Periodic Preparatory's drama teacher. Her main job is being a very problematic director of films and tv shows who was so bad in school that she got held back in grades despite being old enough to graduate. Eventually Periodic Preparatory just let her become a teacher. She is WAY too into her actresses, and this makes her girlfriend, Cereal, very mad, even though Cereal isn't exactly that committed herself.

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is light blonde, her eyes are light blue, her skin is light but tanned like Cascada the singer. - Her outfit is dark blue with silvery blue fur and purple glass beads. - She looks a bit older than the other characters because she got held back in scool. - If you draw her, make her look very haughty and holier than thou!

Cereal Schmetal

Element: Cerium

Number: 58

Mass: 140.116 amu

Year: 17

How she bullies N: She whacks him with her kitchen utensils and shoves him inside of her oven !

Cereal Schmetal is the disgruntled assistant and part-time girlfriend of Lucienne Moldova. She lives in the other lanthanide's shadow, and in her resentment, ends up cheating and having relations with PRelvis Auer von Welsbach. She is embarrassed by her name so instead of Cereal, she goes by "Miss Schmetal." Also, Cereal loves cooking to get out her frustrations. Who knows what shell be cooking up next!

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is dark brown, her eyes are warm brown (almost orange), her skin is tan. - Her apron is pale orange, the lettering is bright orange, her shirt is darker orange or rust, and her pants are rust brown - Cereal is seen carrying kitchen utensils, most often a spatula but you can draw anything really. - Her pose and expression should be annoyed !

Prelvis Auer von Welsbach

Element: Praseodymium

Number: 59

Mass: 140.908 amu

Year: 15

How she bullies N: She threatens him with her rifle and her epic martial arts skills that she learned inthe Air Force!

Prelvis Auer von Welsbach is an incredibyl cynical, depressed, and jaded airwoman. She joined the air force at the age of 18 to distract herself from the woes of being in Periodic Preparatory. Her twin sister, Neodyn Auer von Welsbach, misses her, and so does Cereal Schmetal, who cheats on her girlfriend, Lucienne Moldova, but Prelvis really doenst care a lot and just wants to get in her plane and fly away.

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is light blonde, her eyes are medium brown, her skin is light but tanned. - Her outfit is medium olive green camouflage. The belt and name tames are slightly lighter green.The cockade is white field with blue cross on it and gold rim. - If you draw her at school or with her siste,r Neodyn, make her look especialy depressed. - Her expression and pose should be very angsty, preferrably with her service rifle !

Neodyn Auer von Welsbach

Element: Neodymium

Number: 60

Mass: 144.242 amu

Year: 15

How she bullies N: Sits on him, slaps him with her shopping bags full of silicone implants, stabs him with her fake plaster on fingernails, steps on him with her high heels, gets the other lanthanides to scream at him and punch ihim and tackle him!

Neodyn Auer von Welsbach is 1000x worse than her twin sister, Prelvis! She is catty, she is mean, she will be cruel both to your face AND behind yotur back, and she doesn't limit her ivolence just to words! She has the other lanthanides totally under her thumb, and they like it tha twayh, because she makes the entire school FEAR THEM. She will ferociously protect you if she likes you, but get on ehr bad side, and you're as good as dead (And yes, the crime needed to 'get on her bad side' ranges from trying to ruin her life, to simply breaking one of her fake fingernails that she glued on badly in the ifrst plce).

DRAWING TIPS (For art trades and stuff) - Her hair is light blonde, her eyes are medium brown, her skin is light but tanned. - Neodyn's bra is hot pink. Her shorts (if you can even call them that) are medium blue. Her bracelets and earrings are gold, and her hair tie beads are hot pink. Her shoppping bag in this picture is light brown, but she shops at a lot of places, so just draw her with shopping bags of any color. - Neodyn is overconfident and smug. Her pose and expression should reflect this--she is ofting looking bombastic and self-satisfied, usually because she knows that, at any given moment, she is screwing over someone else's life for insulting her makeup or her badly placed butt implants. Or somethign like that. - Also feel free to draw Neodyn with anyo f the other lanthanides, especially her sister, Prelvis! She is lcose with all of them.

Erika Milošević

Element: Erbium

Number: 68

Mass: 167.259 amu

Year: 12

How she bullies N: She shatters glass bottles over his head!

Erika Milošević is half Serbian and half some kind of Asian, but don't ask me what. She enjoys partying and drinking LOTS, so she ahs pletny of bottles with which to deal damage to Nitrogen! She loves being Serbian and is very patriotic about the country. She also thinks cowboys are cool, for some reason.

DRAWING TIPS - Shirt and pants are PINK, so are glasses lenses (the rims are gold) and the glass jewelry - Hat is white - Her hair is bleached but naturally dark brown/black - Her eyes are brown - The crest on her cowboy hat is the thing in the middle of the Coat of Arms of Serbia

Cassandra Sagan

Element: Lutetium

Number: 71

Mass: 174.967 amu

Year: 16

How she bullies N: She does psychic readings for him and uses the information he reveals against him! Cassandra also drops her crystal ball on him.

Cassandra Sagan is a hot 5'6" black woman. She is also a scam psychic who uses the barnum effect and her unassuming demeanor to get people to believe she has magical healing and clairvoyant powers. She learned these techniques from her psycho controlling adopted mother. Thank God for her girlfriend, Haldi Fredrickson. Haldi never complains about Cassandra's lies, becuase she thinks they're true.

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is dark brown, her skin is dark with warm undertones, her eyes are warm brown. - Her outer dress is royal blue, her skirt underneath is dark purple. - Her collar, cuffs, and belt are gold with silver accents for the constellation. - She has Cassiopeia earrings. - Although it is not mandatory to draw, Cassandra often is seen with tarot cards and a crystal ball.

Haldi Fredrickson

Element: Hafnium

Number: 72

Mass: 178.486 amu

Year: 16

How she bullies N: She does Cassandra's bidding, running after and beating up N with her fists or any stray objects she might find!

Haldi Fredrickson is not the sharpest tool in the shed. She need help putting her own shoes on--not tying them, just putting them on--and usually, that help comes from her girlfriend, Cassandra Sagan, who is leagues smarter than her. In fact, Haldi's "uniform" isn't really a uniform at all--Cassandra just makes her dress like a sailor for her own amusement.

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is light blonde, her skin is tanned but light, her eyes are light blue. - Her shirt is white, her shoulder tabs are black, the piping on her pants, her belt buckle, and the buttons and bars on her shoulder tabs are gold. Her pants are dark blue. Her belt is warm brown. - Haldi should always look clueless, and it is best if you draw her drooling. - Haldi rarely goes anywhere without Cassandra, so it is recommended that if you draw Haldi, you draw Cassandra with her!

Collie Ekeberg

Element: Tantalum

Number: 73

Mass: 180.948 amu

Year: 15

How she bullies N: Shouts over him as he tries to stop fights between metals and non metals, often shoving him out of the way and kicking him!

Collie Ekeberg is sandiwched between an idiot and a massive bigot, and she is SO TIRED of all of the stupidity and metallic supremacy. She just wants to go to class and look out for her little sister, Columbia Ekeberg (Niobium). She enjoys working on electronics stuff, and also thinks getting more piercings would be fun. Other than her siste,r she is a very solitary person.

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is dark brown, her skin is pale, her eyes are medium blue. - Her shirt is light muted blue, her pants are dark blue, her watch band is blakc, and her piercings are gold. - Collie tries to be upbeat, but she's really dying from exhaustion inside. Make her look plleasant, but tired! - She really likes working on computers, both the hardware and the software side of things, so you can draw her with a laptop, tablet, or phone!@

Wulfhilda Bergman

Element: Tungsten

Number: 74

Mass: 183.84 amu

Year: 17

How she bullies N: She turns her drill on in his face and waves her welding gun around him! she also kicks him, chokes him, and calls him a filthy nonmetal.

Wulfhilda Bergman believes that metals are superior to nonmetals in every possible way, and she's not afraid to make her opinion heard! of course, that's earned her a lot of scorn and a few bruises and scars, but her ego can handle it. When she's not mocking nonmetals and beating them up, she's drilling and welding stuff--definitely not weapons or tools that she plans to use against nonmetals someday! Renhilde looks up toher, but Wulfhilda doesn't really think about Renhilde at all.

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is dirty blonde, her eyes are hazel, her skin is light. - Her jacket is dark blue-gray in color, and her gloves are rust orange. Her pants are dark, muted brown. Her belt is dark brown. Her drill is dark brown with orange accents. - Wulfhilda got her scar in a fight with a nonmetal! She is very proud of it so if you draw her, make sure to emphasize it. - Her pose should be intimidating and hostile!

Renhilde Ogawa

First of all, I do not condone NAzis . Nazis invaded my country during the Second World War and also killed millions of people. This outfit and Renhilde's politics are a condemnation of the Hitler regime.

Element: Rhenium

Number: 75

Mass: 186.207 amu

Year: 14

How she bullies N: She kicks, punches, and insults him!

Renhilde Ogawa is the daughter of a JApanese man who was imprisoned in an alien internment camp and the German ex wife of an Operation Paperclip scientist. Her parents are apatheticb ut she is very radical and a hateful person. She especialyl ahtes nonmetals and radioactives, but often gets destroyed by them in physical fights, so she has stopped scrapping.

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is dark brown, her skin is pale with cool undertones, her eyes are light brown. - Her outfit is basically black with silver buttons and buckles, plus white piping, but her shirt is brown. - Do not put any insignia on her outfit. - The facial scar is mandatory. She got it while fighting some nonmetals and shes still mad. - Her pose should be judgmental and threatening.

Sada Tenet

Element: Osmium

Number: 76

Mass: 190.23 amu

Year: 12

How she bullies N: Stabs him with fountain pens, gets the other PGMs (platinum group metals) to harass him

Sada Tenet is very problematic because she does not liek to talk like a normal person. she acts very pompous and is compensating for the fact that she is very dense otherwise. she has an immaculate sense of fashion, hwoever, and always loves using fountain pens to write stuff, even dumb notes in class.

DRAWING TIPS - Bow is like fountain pen nibs - Coat is blue, shirt ruffle is white, belt is black or dark gray/blue - Hair is platinum blonde, eyes are blue, skin is pale - STRONG NOSE - Striking some kind of bombastic pose for sure

Iris Smithsdaughtyr

Element: Iridium

Number: 77

Mass: 192.217 amu

Year: 16

How she bullies N: She invites N to LGBTQIA+ events and then makes everyone insult him for being a straight (perceivably) white man!

Iris Smithsdaughtyr was born Iris Smithson, however she then changted it when she started using she/they pronouns and thought that she wanted to be like daughter but not her. She is very lively and sociable, but sometimes she, liek the other Platinum Gorup Metals (PGMs) is a jerk.

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is naturally medium brown, but it is dyed rainbow. Her eyes are light blue. Her skin is pale but tanned. - Her shirt is white with gradient rainbow lettering. - Her necklace and belt buckles are silver rimmed with rainbow enamel. - Her pants are blue and her belt is brown. - Her pose should be enthusiastic and open.

Qamar Baladeen

Element: Platinum

Number: 78

Mass: 195.084 amu

Year: 12

How she bullies N: She pretends to be his friend and then gossips about his deep dark secrets!

Qamar Baladeen is a rather quiet member of the PGMs Platinum Group Metals), despite being its namesake. She is actually not very mean spirited, but goes along with their harsh antics because they are her friends. Sada doesn't know it, but Qamar has a HUGE crush on her. She wants to runaway from her homopohbic parents with her.

DRAWING TIPS - Her color scheme is predominantly black, except her sleeves which are like a dark maroon - Her skin is warm toned and medium brown; her hair is like dark brown but she always has a hijab so it's jsut ehr eyebrows - The thing on her collar is the alchemical symbol for platinum - If drawn with other characters, Qamar likes to be on the sides or in back of photos

Raina Radetzky

Element: Radium

Number: 88

Mass: 226 amu

Year: 11

How she bullies N: Gets him late for class by tripping him and blasting Evanescence at him

Raina Radetzky is not sure whether she wants to be gothic, emo, steampunk, or just a jerk. Maybe all four ,actually. She has a very bad attitude and its not just because shes radioactive. Raina is very punctual and will criticize you for being late--or just dressing like crap.

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is medium-dark brown, but the part over her eye is dyed bright green. - Her skin is VERY pale and her eyes are green. - She has black lipstick and her clothes are black. The lighter parts are pale green. - The trefoil patch on her shoulder is MANDATORY - Her pose shuold be closed-off and rude

Giselle Debierne

Element: Actinium

Number: 89

Mass: 227 amu

Year: N/A, faculty

How she bullies N: Spits on him, ignores him, gets teh other actinides to kick him and slap him!

Giselle Debierne is the head of Periodic Preparatory's security detail, and also the very haughty leader of the actinides. Although Enola Straight (Uranium) is seen as the figurehead for all the radioactives, it's really Giselle calling the shots behind the scenes, influencing Enola though various means, money being...the least of those ;) Also, she is very stubborn and definitely has a thing for--I mean, against Lucienne Moldova (Lanthanum).

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is red, her skin is pale, her eyes are light blue, and the makeup under her eyes is medium bloue. - Her outfit is black with red collar and piping, wiht silver buttons and buckles. The boots and belt are black leather. - Giselle always looks unimpressed and closed-off, so it's suggested that you use such a pose if you want to draw her! - Though she is a leader, hse is very solitary. However, you may drawe her reliuctantly interacting with the other actinides or radioactives!

Enola Straight

Element: Uranium

Number: 92

Mass: 238.029 amu

Year: 16

How she bullies N: Screams at him to do exercises and stop being pathetic, calls him pathetic, kicks him and punches him!

Enola Straight, or sometimes Enola P. Straight (her middle namei is PErdition), is a tough air force pilot who drops a LOT of bombs--both in the literal sense, and in the metaphorical one! Either through coercion or force, Enola has all of the gossip in her palm, so you better not get on her bad side. Although she's intimidating, she's kindo f the leader of the actinides, and an idol for the other radioactives because she stands up for theri rights at Periodic Preparatory.

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is pure WHITE (naturally blonde, but she powders it b/c she wants to look like a grandma born in the 1940s), her skin is pale, her eyes are bright green. - Her shirt and tie are between green and khaki, her cap, jacket, and skirt are olive green, her bluttons, buckles, patches, and earrings are gold. The piping and trefoil patch are red. - Enola is often saluting and striking a severe pose with a scowl, so draw her in one! - You can also draw Enola kicking people, karate-style!

Nereid Bonaparte

Element: Neptunium

Number: 93

Mass: 237 amu

Year: 15

How she bullies N: She tramples him with her horse, Corsica, and spears him with her trident!

Nereid Bonaparte is a history buff and specifically, an aficionado of the Napoleonic Wars and tries very hard to emulate her icon, Napoleon Bonaparte. As a short woman, Nereid is in denial about the fact that, at 5'7" he was actually tall for a man of his day. She prefers to ride horses and wear tall boots so no one can tell taht she's short.

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is dark blonde, her skin is tanned but light, her eyes are blue. - Her jacket is dark blue, her cuffs, collar, and sash are red, the piping on her jacket + hat and the buttons and epaulettes are gold. The hat is black. The cockade is red with a gold button in the middle. Her pants are cream with red piping. - Her trident is gold. - Her saddle is warm brown. - TREFOIL PATCH IS MANDATORY

Sharon Tartarus

Element: Plutonium

Number: 94

Mass: 244 amu

Year: 16

How she bullies N: Pesters him, blasts loud music in his ears, sits on him, slaps him!

Sharon Tartarus is your run-of-the mill scene/emo chick, only she thinks she's "yooneek" in having created her own style, which she calls "Demoncore." Waht is this "Demoncore," you gmiht ask? Well, it is just typical scene/emo but with trefoils and other radioactive references slapped around. No one dares to question Sharon about this, however, because otherwise, seh will go ballistic.

DRAWING TIPS - Her hair is black with hot pink and orange streaks in front. Her eyes are blue, and her skin is pale. The heart and trefoil tattoos are both red ink. Her lipstick, eyeshadow, and nail polish are black. - Her clothes are black with hot pink (corset lace) and orange accents (piping). The metal spikes, piercings ,and jewerly are all silver. - Sharon likes to make "kawaii" hand signs, so if you draw her, make sure to use some! - She is typically looking satisfied or smug, and may be found listening to emo music or journaling, so feel free to include her diary or phone and earbuds!

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